On patisse Fun French Day Camp! Février Day Camp 100% French fun! Book Easter, May et Summer 2022!
Atelier Theatre, patisserie, arts creatifs. Learn french with 30 hours of French immersion! BOOK! caroline@etpatatipatata.com 07966893674
"Encore un grand merci pour la semaine des enfants. Nous étions très contents! " Février camp 2022
"The girls had such a fun time today at camp!" - K. K. Février camp 2022
"Bonjour Caroline, I just wanted to say Thank You for such a wonderful week of French Camp. Tchéki loved it!
He came home super happy every day. I look forward to staying in touch with you and with everything you offer in French, courses, camps, etc. because I would love for Tcheki to do this again. Février camp 2022" Mathilda.
